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Why Is Volunteering Important


Here are some of the needs we have for volunteers: 





To Improve Community Life

To help create a more healthy community. This helps the community to find motivation to combat pollution and trash. It encourages more people to take a more active role in their community. We need more people in Highland Park to see this and start taking a more active role.


To Give Back

I hope you will volunteer with us because you want to give back to the community. Although this may not be the community you live in, it is a community in need. If you are a successful teacher, lawyer, doctor, or whatever your business is, perhaps you can share your experience with youth interested in your fields.


To Help Others in Need


Highland Park is a community in with many people in need of your help. There are government, schools and such, assigned to this task. However, it’s usually not enough. When ordinary people do their part to help, the task can be accomplished.


To Give Hope


One reason why volunteering is important is that you give others hope. A downtrodden person will be uplifted when he or she realizes that there are people out there who will help them out. It brings back their faith. It makes them aware that not everything is about money.


It Emboldens the Human Spirit

The selfless act of helping a person / cause / nature provides a spiritual boost as well. Knowing you did something good for someone or some cause is an emotionally uplifting experience that can never be matched by money or fame.




These are just some of the reasons why volunteering is important. Not only does it bring hope and happiness to people, but it also leads to spiritual and emotional growth. It is an experience that cannot be bought with any amount of money.


Not only does volunteering bring hope and happiness to people, but it also leads to spiritual and emotional growth. It is an experience that cannot be bought with any amount of money.
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