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Jobs for Life / Powered For Life

These students have made a choice to come to this class, and we believe God cares about them and wants them to learn His plan and purpose for their lives. God has given them this opportunity to learn more about how He has equipped them for their unique purpose in life.  

This biblically based job-training and placement program focusing on character, professionalism, personal responsibility, and building marketable skills that employers are looking for in this area.

We just graduated 3 people from the Powered for Life class along with the Jobs for Life class on July 20th. Both programs include:


1. Job interpersonal skills

2. Interviewing skills (mock interviews)

3. Resume building & creation

4. Skills assessment

5. Workplace diversity

6. Effective workplace communication

7. Roadmap for employment

In Partnership with the Northside Outreach Center and Boaz & Ruth, we are proud to host a “Powered for Life” Camp for high school graduates, who graduated within the past 5 years and are still seeking employment or seeking better employment. The Empowered for Life Camp is a Jobs for Life program especially made for the younger adult population.

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